
Posts Tagged ‘Toni Allen’

Being Richard by Toni Allen

March 3, 2013 Leave a comment

I got this one from the author to give an honest review.

We have here the story of a man of many names, most properly Sunbeerka, a 2,500 year old immortal. He’s found by SID, the Special Investigation Division, and the agent named Gilbert. Gilbert’s higher ups are Alice and Nick and they’ve been pursuing Sunbeerka for years. They bring him into the agency as he’s trying to switch identities to keep blending into the mortal world. They stick him with one he didn’t want, Richard Ridley, and the adventure truly begins. Sunbeerka cannot resist trying to find out more about the real Richard Ridley, who was an infant that died under mysterious circumstances believed to be murder, possibly by his own mother. But, he has to do his work for SID who asks him to help find other immortals. So far, Gilbert and Sunbeerka are the only two known, and Sunbeerka is a different breed than Gilbert. Gilbert was born with superior healing ability and stopped aging in his forties. Sunbeerka is an accident from a long time ago and he’s far faster, stronger, and more lethal.

Sunbeerka encounters a lot of people on his journey and develops attachments he loathes but finds that he cannot avoid and just has to accept having for the time they are alive. He cannot shake the obsession with finding out what happened to Richard Ridley and goes down a dangerous path to find his answers. The truth is twisted and more than one person is to blame for the events set into motion and Sunbeerka has to get past his own trust issues in order to get to the truth behind Richard, his forced identity, and what SID actually wants from him. He’s a very unique immortal and engaging in his own way. Might want to brush up on British slang, because there’s a lot of it in this book but it actually helps with the story.